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How to update your Finance Settings in Cloud Events - Knowledgebase / Cloud Events - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase

How to update your Finance Settings in Cloud Events

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When an individual purchases a ticket or product through events created via Cloud Events, invoices will be automatically generated and sent out to the member, providing an overview of their purchase. Using the Finance Settings, you can customize various elements regarding these invoices.

  1. To access Cloud Events, you must go to your website’s homepage and log in. For more information on how to login, click here.

  2. After logging in and being brought to the Member Area, you will see several tabs along the top of the screen. Click on the Events tab, and then click on Cloud Events (Tickets).

  3. On the left-hand side of the page, click on the Event Finance link, underneath the Settings heading.

  4. Click on the Edit button next to Invoice Settings to begin making changes regarding your organization’s information.

    • Business Number - A unique business identifier for your organization. This will be displayed at the bottom of invoices.

    • Business Number Description - Displayed immediately after your Business Number. This is useful to share additional required comments or context.

    • Invoice/Order Comment - Allows you to enter a short comment that will be included in all invoices and orders. This can be helpful to provide payment instructions.

  5. Click on Save button to save your changes.

  6. The next section is Financial Notification Settings, which allows you to select the email templates that are used for different emails and documents, like the invoices themselves. Click on Edit to continue.

    • Invoice Message Template - Determines which email template will be used when sending out invoice emails to event registrants.

    • Attachment Message Template - This is the invoice attachment template that is sent with the invoice.

    • Order HTML Template - This template is used when sending an invoice for products, donations, and/or membership which are free.

    • Order PDF Template - This is the attachment in the email for the above.

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