Events still in draft mode or live events without any registrations can be deleted, in the event that they were created in error, as a test event, or they are simply no longer needed.
Once an event is deleted, it cannot be restored, and all the details will be removed.
Deleting an Event
In order to access Cloud Events, you must go to your website’s homepage and log in. To do this please click the Member Login link near the top right.
After you enter your login name and password it will return you back to the homepage. Click Member Area near the top right.
Along the top of the screen, you will see several tabs. Click on the Events tab, and then click on Cloud Events.
You will then be brought to the Event List page, where you will be able to see each of your existing events. Click Manage on the event you would like to delete.
Near the top right of the page, click on the Delete button.
Click OK to confirm you would like to delete the event.

If an event has active or canceled registrations, it cannot be deleted.