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Carousel best practices & images - Knowledgebase / Website Guides / Website Widgets - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase

Carousel best practices & images

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Best Practices

For the ClubRunner carousel widget, we recommend keeping all photos the same size via their dimensions, height and width. For example, if your first carousel photo is 1200 pixels wide x 200 pixels tall, all of your other images should be the same size, or same aspect ratio (width/height ratio), e.g. 600 x 100, 900 x 150, 2400 x 400. This makes sure all of the photos will show at the same size within the area they are kept in. As a recommendation, we use an image size of 1600 pixels wide x 400 pixels tall when setting up new carousels for clubs.

The following images were taken from's Logos and graphics center, which is a free resource available to Rotary Clubs & Districts.  Any image found on can be used for free, as long as it’s for a Rotary Club or District related website.

These particular images have been cropped and modified to fit together well in our carousels. 

For more help with carousels, see these articles: 

To download any image below, right-click over the image with your mouse, then select "Save image" or "Save image as":

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