[2020-1-17 5:40PM]
Our team was able to identify and resolve the issue. All website should now be loading correctly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you tried to access your account’s website during this time and are still having trouble accessing the site, please refresh your cache to ensure the website loads correctly.
Please see below for detailed steps on how to refresh your cache for your specific browser.
Microsoft Edge - https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/10607/microsoft-edge-view-delete-browser-history
Firefox - https://support.mozilla.org/gu-IN/kb/how-clear-firefox-cache
Chrome - https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop&hl=en
Safari - https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/safari/sfri47acf5d6/mac
[2020-1-17 5:00PM]
We are currently aware of an issue that is causing an outage with the HTTPS service with ClubRunner. You will be unable to access the account's website during this time.
Our team is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
As more information becomes available we will post updates.
[Resolved] ClubRunner Partial Service Outage - Public Website - News / Service Issues - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase
[Resolved] ClubRunner Partial Service Outage - Public Website
Authors list
- Authored by Shawn P.
- Category: Service Issues