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[Monitoring] Service Interruption - Delayed Rendering / Website Updates - News / Service Issues - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase

Sep 27 2021

[Monitoring] Service Interruption - Delayed Rendering / Website Updates

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[Sep 27 2021 1:30 PM]
This afternoon at 12:30 PM (NAET) the ClubRunner team identified an intermittent delay in processing website updates, we are currently working to fully investigate and resolve this issue.

During this intermittent service, some updates and changes to websites and bulletins may be delayed. We are seeing an average delay between 5 to 10 minutes. Please note that no additional action is required for your content to be published.

We will continue to post updates as more information becomes available.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve the issue.

[Sep 27 2021 4:40 PM]

Our team have made updates to reduce the impact of the intermittent delays customers have been expiring.  We will continue to monitor until we can confirm the issue has been resolved.

[Sep 28 2021 10:00 AM]

Monitoring overnight, we did not observe any delays or slowdowns with the updates in place. We are continuing to monitor throughout the day for any disruptions in service.

[Sep 29 2021 5:00 PM]

The updates performed on the 28th have reduced the frequency of of interruptions to the website update service. 

The updates in place have allowed us to identify a primary cause. The page preview thumbnail generation, as a part of the website update system, is leading to the interruptions and delays in the update service. To further reduce the impact of this issue, we have temporarily disabled the generation of these previews. This means that the thumbnail of the page in the grid view, will be out of date, until such time we can return the service to normal operations. 

We will continue to monitor until this issue is resolved.

[Oct 1 2021 5:00 PM]

Additional updates were performed on the 30th, which allowed us to restore the thumbnail generation for custom pages when using the grid view. We monitored the update throughout Thursday and Friday, and are no longer observing regular delays.

We will continue to monitor this issue into early next week to ensure it is fully resolved.

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