[July 28 2020 - 1:40 PM]
Starting at roughly 3 AM North American Eastern Time our mail infrastructure provider SendGrid started investigating an issue related to email processing and statistic generation.
The issue is still ongoing on their end and they are working to resolve it. Until the issue is resolved outgoing emails and email statistics will be delayed.
You can find the most up to date information on their status website at:https://status.sendgrid.com/ and the updates about this specific outage at: https://status.sendgrid.com/incidents/c2k6nqpr9t7p
Any email that you have sent will be successfully processed; there is no need to resend any emails. No action is required to have your emails delivered.
[July 29 2020 - 10:00 AM]
SendGrid has marked this issue resolved on their end effective on July 28 2020 at 9PM North American eastern Time. Please note that the email stats may be missing for the time period that SendGrid had their outage. Once we have completed re-processing the stats we update this post again.
ClubRunner Service Interruption - Delayed email & stats - News / Service Issues - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase
ClubRunner Service Interruption - Delayed email & stats
Authors list
- Authored by Zach W.
- Category: Service Issues