To access District Administration functions, you'll need to login on your District webpage.
Go to the District webpage and click on the Login link at the top right of the page.
Next you will be taken to the Login screen. Here you can enter your Login Name and Password. If you are new or have forgotten your login or password, please read this article: I Cannot Login to ClubRunner. If you need further assistance, your site administrator can provide you with this information. If you are the site administrator, your information was provided to you by ClubRunner.
NoteFor security reasons, your password is hidden when you enter it. Take extra care to enter it correctly.
When you have entered your information, click the Login button. If it does not let you in then the user name or password is incorrect. Please read this article: I Cannot Login to ClubRunner which will provide you with your login name and reset your password.
You are now on the District Administration page. This page allows you to access parts of ClubRunner which will help you with your Club Duties.