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How do clubs submit grant requests?

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  • The District must have purchased the Grants module

  • Only Trained Members of the Club Can Submit a Grant Request.

  1. Go to your district webpage and click on the Login link at the top right of the page. Then, enter your login details on the page that appears.

  2. To access the District Administration page, click on Member Area on the top right.

  3. You are now on the District Administration page. Above the Administration heading you will see a number of tabs. To access your club grants, click on the Grant tab and then My Club Grants just below.

  4. On the left-hand side of the page, click on Submit a Grant Request.

  5. Fill in the appropriate fields within the initial application.

  6. When Finished press Submit.

If you are unable to submit a Club Grant contact your District Grants Administrator, or if you are uncertain who that is, then your District Secretary. Alternatively click here to submit an email ticket to us and we would be happy to investigate further.

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