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ClubRunner PETS Integration

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Our President Elect Training Seminars (PETS) Integration enables data synchronization between ClubRunner and DacDB for President Elect Training registration.


Which Districts are currently using PETS integration?

This integration currently supports the following Rotary Districts

  • 5000

  • 5240

  • 5280

  • 5340

  • 5390

  • 5495

How are President Elects registered?

To ensure that a President elect will be synchronized for registration, you must ensure that they are appointed as the President Elect position in the current year, or have been appointed them as a President in the upcoming Rotary year. For example to be eligible for the registration in the 2024-25 Rotary year PETS, the person must be defined as the 2024-2025 President Elect, and or the 2025-2026 President position.


The following articles should help manage club officer positions:


How are Assistant Governors registered?

To ensure that an Assistant Governor  will be synchronized for registration, you must ensure that they are appointed in in the District Organization chart under the Assistant Governor section for the upcoming Rotary year. For example to be eligible for the registration in the 2024-25 Rotary year PETS, the person must be defined as an Assistant Governor in the 2025-2026 District Organization Chart.


The following article should help to manage the District’s Organization Chart


How are additional users registered?

Should you need to add an additional user, who is not a President Elect or Assistant Governor, you can manually update their ClubRunner profile under the Rotary section to opt them in. This flag should only be used for individuals who are not already registered as a President Elect or Assistant Governor.

Within the Member’s Profile

District Staff can opt-in an individual by editing their Membership profile within the District’s account.

Once you have located the member’s profile, under the Rotary tab, click Edit.

Then check the Opt In to PETS 2025-26 checkbox.

Then click Save.



This value always shows as false unless they have been manually opted in.


If for some reason there is an individual who you believe should be eligible to register, but is unable to, please contact our team. We’ll investigate directly and work with all parties to get the matter resolved.

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