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ClubRunner FAQ

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Here are some commonly asked questions about ClubRunner (CR).

Q: Can I search for any word or phrase on this webpage?
Yes.  On Windows, press the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard, then tap "f"; on a Mac press "Cmd" then "f".  You can type in a search term, your browser searches this entire webpage for the word or phrase.

Q: Does my CR website get backed up? (once a day backup I think?)
Q: Where is the 'save' button when I create a story? (auto-save every 90secs, but have to name the file?)
Q: Can I pay my CR invoice online?  (various payment methods, e.g., CAN, USA, international)

Q: What are CR's system requirements?
Click here to see our system requirements page.

Q: When does ClubRunner perform its scheduled software updates?
Our scheduled software updates occur every other Thursday (bi-weekly).  This schedule can shift slightly when our office is closed for statutory holidays (e.g. Christmas, etc).  This software update ensures that every time you use ClubRunner, you always have access to our most up to date website features.

Q: What is the maximum storage limit for a CR website?
Club websites start with a 5 gigabyte (GB) capacity.  District websites start with a 10 gigabyte (GB) capacity.  This includes all images, documents, stories, webpages, etc.  But the capacity goes up as your membership goes up, please click here to see the full details.

Q: How safe and secure is my CR website?
ClubRunner is built using the Microsoft Azure platform.  This is Enterprise level security that protects all our CR websites.  For a detailed overview of Azure's security platform: 

Q: Do I ever need to install a downloadable application to my PC or Mac in order to use CR?
No. CR is a cloud-based application, meaning everything functions inside your web browser.  Other than ensuring your browser and your computer fall within our system requirements, there is no CR software to install onto your personal device.

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