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Step 3: Club Information Settings - Knowledgebase / ClubRunner FAQ / New Subscribers Guide - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase

Step 3: Club Information Settings

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In this step, you will check that your club executives and directors are listed properly, as well as your committees. This information will be used to populate your homepage, and is key to properly connecting with visitors to your webpage. 

Define your Executives & Directors
Check your listing of executives and directors to ensure accuracy. This is important, as the list of executives and directors will appear on your homepage.  In addition, only executives and directors have access rights for your District site. To access and update this list, go to the “Edit Executives & Directors” link from the Admin page. For detailed instructions on how to manage your executive listing, please click here. Your link will open in a new window.

Define Members’ Access Rights 
If you are going to have other members manage different parts of the site, such as the eBulletin, attendance, or dues, you will have to upgrade their access rights. You can also set up other Site Administrators. You can update a member’s access level by editing their profile and then clicking on the Settings tab. To see our documentation on access rights, please click here. This link opens in a new window.

Note: You can also create specific site pages with assigned owners who will have full editing rights to that page, without having to upgrade their access levels. 

Define Committees, Chairs and Members 
Included in your subscription is the Basic Committee module, which allows you to define both Standing and Yearly committees. These committees can also have their members and chairs listed within them. This information is available to be viewed by members. You can also view and create reports based on member, committee or year. You can access this module by clicking on the “Committee Management” link from the Admin page. For more detailed help on the committee module, please click here. This link opens in a new window.

Check Club Meeting Info and Settings
Ensure that you have the correct meeting time, day and location in your club settings. This information is reflected on your meeting info widget on the homepage, and will also be referenced on the club directory page of your District site. To update your club information, go to the “Edit Club Info & Settings” link, from the "For Administrators" section of the Admin page.

Go back to Step Two or proceed to Step Four.

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