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VIDEO: Beginner-Club Executive Training on District-Changeover 2024 - Knowledgebase / Video & Webinars / Changeover Training 2024 - ClubRunner Support & Knowledgebase

VIDEO: Beginner-Club Executive Training on District-Changeover 2024

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Club Executive Training on the District-Beginner

Hosted by Mickey | Co-host: Michael

This webinar gives an overview of how to manage your own club members on the District version. Aimed for club executives who don't have a ClubRunner club version subscription and are using the district version. Topics include:

  • How to gain access to use the district version

  • How to add, terminate and manage transferring members

  • Editing club information

  • Adding, editing or removing club executives

  • Brief introduction to RI integration (more in-depth coverage will be in the Advanced version of this webinar)

Length: 56 minutes

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